Nusraat Masood

Play to Inspire


Students will take more science electives if we allow them to play more often.


Five questions with Nusraat Masood

What motivates you?

Learning new things.

What do you do for a living, and why?

I’m engineer at the University of Manitoba. Science and Engineering are meant for all. I am a part of WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Kid-Netic Energy, a science and engineering outreach group that annually sees 30,000 students in grade k-12. We teach through play. We would like to share our efforts in engaging kids. We travel north, south, to inner-city, and also to First Nation reserves.

Which TED talk do you think everyone should watch?

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

Why are you excited to speak at TEDxManitoba?

I want to be exposed to great ideas.

What is your idea worth spreading?

Students will take more science electives if we allow them to play more often.