Five Questions with David Gingera
What motivates you?
My motivation revolves around creating and leading a movement towards more sustainable food systems through urban agriculture. I’m always striving to find new property to grow food in cities, recruit new urban farmers, and create new channels to sell food grown through urban agriculture.
What do you do for a living, and why?
I run a company called CitiGrow. We help urban farmers find free space to grow food. We find creative ways to give property owners thousands of dollars in new revenue and costs savings by using their space for urban farming. And we give food buyers access to high quality, locally grown food. My job allows me to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams while dedicating myself and my work to improving our food systems.
Which TED talk do you think everyone should watch?
Why are you excited to speak at TEDxManitoba?
For me, TEDxManitoba is a platform to inspire others and raise awareness of the agricultural revolution that is happening right now. Urban agriculture will be the single most important innovation for creating sustainable food systems for the future. I’m extremely excited to have the opportunity to be a spokesperson for this movement, and to inspire others to join it.
What is your idea worth spreading?
The food systems we use today are no longer able to meet our needs. By relying on our broken mainstream food systems, we are paying more money for lower quality food. And we’re destroying our environment while doing it. The solution to our problems is to start growing food in cities. Through urban agriculture, we can grow healthier food, at lower costs, in a way that’s better for our environment.
What’s your connection to Manitoba?
I have lived in Winnipeg my entire life. My company, CitiGrow, is also headquartered here. I’m committed to helping this city achieve local, sustainable food systems.