Meet The TEDxWinnipeg Volunteer: Todd Scott

Jun 22, 2019 | Blog, Spotlight

TEDxWinnipeg is a full day of talks dedicated to new ideas, innovative concepts, and thought-provoking discussons about how to make our community a better place for everyone. It’s organized by a team of volunteers who donate their evenings, weekends, and many hours of sleep to make the day a reality, and we’d like to introduce you to another valued member of our team.

First we introduced you to Reyn Redekopp and Marney Stapley, and now we’d like you to get to know Todd Scott.

Who are you and what do you do?

Wow, start me off with an easy question…. I don’t know?!

But seriously I have a highly diverse background that somehow combines science, art, public speaking and humour.   As for who I am, I’m Todd Scott. But even that people get confused on and keep thinking it’s Scott Todd.

Why did you originally decide to get involved with TEDxWinnipeg?

A good friend of mine had posted on facebook that she had applied to be a speaker at TEDxManitoba.  I checked the link and secretly filled in an application too. A few weeks later I was shocked I was selected. So was my friend, until she got her acceptance letter the next day 😉

What about TEDxWinnipeg keeps you coming back to volunteer?

I like the people. Through the process of becoming a speaker, you spend months working with the team and they become like a family to you.  

What’s your greatest strength? How does it help you as a volunteer?

My curiosity and sense of humour. I was asked to moderate the “Speakers Corner” last year and able to ask the speakers questions about their talk. No clue where the conversations would go, but it allowed me to be curious how they came to their ideas.

Who are your role models?

My Grade 5 teacher John Matas. He was the first teacher to encourage creative thinking and oh boy…. Did I ever have a lot of creative thinking, lol.

What’s been one of your favourite TEDxWinnipeg moments?

I think it would be Stephen and Caity (the TEDxWinnipeg Hosts) just being themselves.  They make the day seamlessly fit together. You have to see them to really understand it. Once you do, you’ll totally understand.

What’s one TEDxWinnipeg talk you think everyone needs to watch?

Mine?!  But seriously it is super hard to pick just ONE.  I keep thinking of all the great talks I’ve seen and what people have gone on to do after their talks. Sherry Benson-Podolchuk, Dr. Abdulrehman Abdulrehman, Heather Hinam, Darrick Baxter would be a few I’d recommend.

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