Five questions with: Bradley Shende
What motivates you?
Connection, understanding, iteration and illumination.
What do you do for a living, and why?
I just click things. I play with technology for a living and and teach and talk about it in the media. If I had a label it would say “creative technologist”. I have a small lab where we build cool things and tell stories. I’m simply driven to do all these things because I can. I’m also a technology entertainer, and I think if someone tells you there’s a difference between entertainment and education, then they don’t know the first thing about either. I also love my work/play.
What TED talk do you think everyone should watch?
Gabe Zichermann: Gamification
Why are you excited to speak at TEDxManitoba?
I grew up in Winnipeg, but have been living in Vancouver for the last 20 years. I am super excited to be coming home to play.
What is your idea worth sharing?
The joy of clicking. I strongly believe the web is an extended human nervous system and that we are all connected within it.