Nusraat Masood:
Play to Inspire

Five questions with Nusraat Masood

What motivates you?

Learning new things.

What do you do for a living, and why?

I’m engineer at the University of Manitoba. Science and Engineering are meant for all. I am a part of WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Kid-Netic Energy, a science and engineering outreach group that annually sees 30,000 students in grade k-12. We teach through play. We would like to share our efforts in engaging kids. We travel north, south, to inner-city, and also to First Nation reserves.

Which TED talk do you think everyone should watch?

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

Why are you excited to speak at TEDxManitoba?

I want to be exposed to great ideas.

What is your idea worth spreading?

Students will take more science electives if we allow them to play more often.