Tara Miller:
Who needs eyesight when you have vision

Five Questions with Tara Miller

What motivates you?

Overcoming limitations set by others.

What do you do for a living, and why?

I am legally blind professional commercial photographer and co-owner of my own commercial photography company. I choose this career because I am passionate about capturing images that are unique for both myself and my clients. I love creating lasting memories.

Which TED talk do you think everyone should watch?

Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds

Why are you excited to speak at TEDxManitoba?

I am excited to speak at TEDxManitoba because I want to share with the world that, you only fail if you don’t try.

What is your idea worth spreading?

When you have a passion in life limitations are merely obstacles in the road, when you overcome those limitations the reward is success,without a passion in life there is no success.