What was TEDxWinnipeg 2017 Made of?

Jun 27, 2017 | Blog

Where do we all come from?

TEDxWinnipeg guests showed up from Manitoba — St. Adolphe, St. Andrews, Ste. Anne, Birtle, Brandon, Carlowrie, Carman, Clandeboye, St. Claude, East (and West) St Paul, Elie, Flin Flon, Inwood, Landmark, Lorette, Marchand, Mitchell, Morden, Niverville, Oak Bluff, Oak Point, Oakbank, Ochre River, Portage la Prairie, St. Pierre, Selkirk, Shoal Lake, Steinbach, Stonewall, Warren, and of course, Winnipeg.

We came from Saskatchewan — Creighton,  Denare Beach, Regina, Saskatoon — and Ontario — Ear Falls, Kenora, and Ottawa.

How do we spend our days?

We work at places like  Aveda Winnipeg, Bee Maid Honey Limited, BellMTS, Birchwood Automotive Group, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canadian Grain Commission, Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba, DMT, Duha Color Services, The Forks North Portage, the Government of Manitoba, The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, The Joyful Life Company, the Law Society of Manitoba, Life Science Association of Manitoba, Manitoba Dental Association, Manitoba Hydro, The Manitoba Museum, MCI, the Mental Health and Addictions Branch of Manitoba Health, Northwest Company, Nygard International, Oakpoint RV Resort, OCD Centre Manitoba, Open Democracy Manitoba, Parks Canada, Permission Click, Pinnacle Staffing Solutions, Pride Winnipeg, RBC Convention Centre, St Andrews Stables, St. Mary’s Road United Church, Service Canada, Shaw Communications, Shut Ur Pie Hole, Sigfusson Northern, Southport Aerospace Inc., Steinbach Family Resource Centre, Telus, and Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.

We also work in services like DND, including Department of National Defence – 1 Canadian Air Division, Royal Canadian Air Force, Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service, WRHA Surgery Program, WRHA Health Sciences Centre, St Boniface Hospital, Children’s Hospital.

We work for organizations and businesses like CIBC, Investors Group, Richardson GMP Ltd., RBC Insurance, National Leasing, National Bank Financial, RBC, Assiniboine Credit Union, Great-West Life, Bold Commerce, New Media Manitoba, Futurpreneur Canada, North Forge Technology Exchange, World Trade Centre Winnipeg, Entrepreneurship Manitoba, Western Economic Diversification, Manitoba Trade and Investment, Morden & District Chamber of Commerce, Township of Ear Falls, Portage la Prairie Chamber of Commerce, Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, Winnipeg Transit, MB Government Department Education & Training, City of Winnipeg Planning, Property & Development Department, and St James Assiniboia Teachers’ Association.

Speaking of education, we also had representation from school divisions — Hanover, Lord Selkirk, Louis Riel, Park West, Pembina Trails, Red River Valley, River East Transcona, St. James-Assiniboia, Seven Oaks, Sunrise, Western, and Winnipeg. We had guests from M.B.C.I., Pinkham School, Windsor Park Collegiate, Robertson College, Red River College, Université de Saint-Boniface, University of Manitoba, Max Rady College of Medicine, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba Faculty of Architecture, and University of Winnipeg.

What do we talk about?

We talk about all kinds of things — an incredible variety of subjects, in fact, from Acts of Courage to Zucchini Noodles, and covering topics like Addiction, Alpine Skiing, Architecture, Art, Artificial Intelligence, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Behavioral Economics, Bullying, Burning Man, Chicken & Waffles, City Planning, Coffee, Creativity, The Criminal Justice System, Education, Electric Vehicles, Embracing Change, Entrepreneurship, The Environment, Disruptive Technology, Feminism, Formula 1, Gardening, Grandchildren, Higher Education, How the Mind Works, Human Rights, Indigenous Business, indigenous teachings, The Inner City, Instigating Change, Intuition, Leadership, Learning Languages, Living Simply, Manitoba’s Labour Market, Manitoba’s Music History, Media Influence on Culture, Medical Innovations, Mental Health, Minimalism, Motorcycles, Music, Palaeontology, Philanthropy, Philosophy, Photography, Politics, Poverty, Religion & Spirituality, Renewable Energy, Sexuality, Space Exploration, Soccer, social constructs, Social Development, Social justice, Social Media, Storytelling, Sustainability, Synesthesia, Travel, Turning 50, Ukulele, Vintage Trailers, Women in Tech, Work Culture, and, of course, the Winnipeg Jets.

We have a number of recurring subjects that we care about as well. If you put it all into a word cloud, you’d get the image at the top of this post. (If you want to see it in desktop-wallpaper size, click the thumbnail above.)

We’re a pretty diverse group! We come from all over, engage in a huge array of activities, and care about a lot of big ideas and causes. This also means we’re influential in a lot of different arenas, so we’re equipped for sharing spreadable ideas — perfect for a TEDx crowd!

What happened June 6th?

Well, of course that was TEDxWinnipeg 2017. Our tweets were seen 50,000 times (plus almost another 20,000 the next day). We picked up a lot of new Twitter followers over the past few months, so there’s over 5,000 of you now! The livestream has been viewed over 2,500 times so far, and the ideas are already spreading well beyond the more than 500 people who joined us onsite. We’ve now got our event photos up on Flickr, but there’s also a sweet mix of all your photos on Instagram as well to help remember and relive the day. In the meantime, you may be interested to learn what our three most popular tweets were from the day:

What’s Next?

Don’t forget to watch for our TEDxWinnipegSalon events each month. Join the community group on Meetup.com to make sure you don’t miss any — we’ll be announcing details for the July Salon soon — a Second Nature experience with #IamMB personality and 2015 TEDxWinnipeg speaker Heather Hinam.

From your feedback, we already know you’d like us to keep in touch by email and on Facebook, so watch for updates there as well as our other social channels.

Edited video of this year’s talks should be available sometime in August — we’ll celebrate that event and keep you posted, but by then we’ll already be planning for 2018!

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