What’s the TEDxWinnipeg Idea Lounge?

May 1, 2019 | Idea Sharing

Coordinated by individuals, organizations and communities alike, TEDx events are renowned for bringing like-minded people together to share in a TED-like experience – where inspiring speakers and videos combine in a way that sparks deep discussion and connection.

The TEDxWinnipeg Idea Lounge began in 2017 when TEDxWinnipeg Chair Nicole Jensen began brainstorming ways to connect sponsoring organizations with event attendees.

Its purpose is to bring together organizations that have the knowledge and tools to bring an idea to life with those who have ideas but may not know how to pursue them.

The TEDxWinnipeg Idea Lounge

It started with three organizations: NorthForge, Futurpreneur and World Trade Centre. This year, TEDxWinnipeg has brought other organizations on board including CWB National Leasing, ICTAM and the Women’s Enterprise Centre.

The organizations will have two employees on hand to discuss what their organization provides – that includes mentorship, access to funding, business plan writing, statistical analysis, equipment to build prototypes, free business courses – everything one would need to get an idea off the ground.

The organizations are available to speak with attendees prior to the show, during breaks & lunch as well as after the show to make appointments to learn more, receive further information and see each organization’s space. Register for TEDxWinnipeg 2019 now and save on the cost of your ticket!

We believe sharing and discussing ideas is essential in building a stronger community. Be part of the movement and join us at TEDxWinnipeg 2019! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram  and subscribe to our newsletter to get updates delivered right to your inbox.

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