Everything You Need to Know for a Successful TEDxWinnipeg 2019

Jun 20, 2019 | Announcements

We’re less than a week away from TEDxWinnipeg 2019! The speakers have been hard at work on their talks, the Guest Services committee has been thinking up fun games for us to play, and we’ve all been pulling late nights and long days to make sure everything will be perfect when you arrive at the MTC John Hirsch Mainstage next Wednesday.

Whether this is your first TEDxWinnipeg or you’re a seasoned TEDxWpg veteran, use these notes to make sure you have all the information you need to have a successful and stress-free time on June 26, 2019:


Wednesday, June 26th

  • Event runs from 8:45 am to approximately 4:30 pm
  • Registration opens at 8 am
  • You can find the schedule here


Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre

174 Market Avenue

Box Office Entrance


Come to the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre Box Office Entrance to pick up your name tag. Have your Permission Click ticket purchase email handy just in case we need to reference it.

Bus / Parking

Bus: If you plan to come by bus, we’re on a major route. Get off at the Centennial Concert Hall and you’re less than a block away. Plan your bus and time on the Winnipeg Transit website

Parking: It’s a bit tricky in the Exchange District but there are several major and side streets that offer paid street parking or you can park in a paid lot. Check out the Downtown Winnipeg Biz Cultural/Theatre District map for some help

Cycling: The Exchange District is a great place to cycle, but it’s not an ideal place to leave your bike for the day so we recommend that you don’t bring it with you since we won’t have space to store anything. Walking or taking the bus is recommended instead.


We’re a casual place! Wear whatever makes you happy and best represents who you are. If it helps, most people tend toward business casual. Comfortable shoes are a must.

Powering Up

Remember to power up your phones before coming to the event and bring adapters/cords


Snacks: The RMTC canteen will be open during our scheduled breaks with their regular menu

Lunch: Visit one of the seven food trucks coming to feed our TEDxers! Menus and prices are listed here

Remember: Bring a reusable coffee mug and water bottle to ensure you stay hydrated.

Get Social

Get @ us @TedXWinnipeg!

Feel free to Tweet, Like or Insta your favourite moments and make sure you use the hashtag #TEDxWinnipeg2019

What to Bring

  1. An open mind: Talk to the person next to you, in front of you or behind you. Ask a speaker a question. You never know where a conversation will lead!
  2. A pen. We have note taking space in the program or you can bring your favorite notebook.
  3. Your mobile device of choice. Free WiFi is available, and we will encourage you to share, tweet, -gram, blog, or otherwise spread what you see and hear online and in real-time.
  4. Your business ideas or materials so our partners in the Idea Lounge can share their knowledge and resources.

Reminder – whatever you bring you will carry for the day since we do not have lockers to hold personal items.

Live Streaming

If your friends, family or colleagues can’t make it to the event, let them know they can watch the livestream on our website where there is a schedule available for download.

Special Access to Presenter Information

For our low vision, blind and deaf guests, please email chair@tedxwinnipeg.ca to let us know that you will need a link to the slides being used by the presenters for your adaptation program of choice. We can’t guarantee the speakers won’t change their slides by showtime but hopefully the changes will be minimal.

Day-Of Help

At the event on June 26, if you have any questions, look for someone wearing a red and white TEDx shirt. Our guest experience committee will be matching and ready to help you! Volunteers will also have name tags indicating that they are a volunteer or committee member who can help point you in the right direction or answer questions.


TEDxWinnipeg takes a tremendous amount of human energy and resources to pull together and is almost entirely volunteer-based.

We are incredibly grateful for the people that have stepped forward to donate their time and financial contributions to help make this event a success.

Please take a moment to check out our sponsor page (and give them a high-five if you see them at the event!)

And lastly…

On behalf of all the incredible people working to make this event a success, we look forward to spending the day with you on Wednesday, June 26 at the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre!

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