
Seven Questions With Kerri Twigg

Kerri Twigg is an international career coach who helps people use their stories to grow their careers. She was named the No. 1 Career Coach to follow by JobScan and was named a LinkedIn Top Voices in 2018 in the Workplace and Management category. She is a contributing author to the Amazon best-selling career book, YouMap.

Kerri has been helping people to figure out what makes them awesome and how to embrace that awesomeness for more than 20 years, and is a Certified Resume Strategist. She has taught and spoken at theatres, Universities, corporate boardrooms and even a boathouse.

We caught up with her to get to know he a bit better before she takes the TEDxWinnipeg stage on June 26, 2019:

What’s your connection to Winnipeg, or Manitoba?

I was born & raised here. I only had the urge to leave once, but every time I travel, I always want to come home. I grew up in Transcona until grade 8, and then moved to North Kildonan to live with my aunt.

I have lived in apartments in St.Boniface, River Heights and Osborne Village. I once lived downtown in an apartment with an outrageous heat bill, so we turned off the fuse for heat and slept in our parkas. The apartment was so cold our dish soap froze. I would hang out at Ken’s Restaurant until 1 am every night doing homework in their bar.

What famous historical person would you most like to meet at a dinner party?

I don’t have a person and find these questions hard to answer. I feel like for many people, their work and what they left can be their message. Also, I am a nerd about famous people. I once met Kate Winslet at a castle in Scotland. It was hosted by the Canadian Embassy for people working on Canadian art projects. I was in Scotland with a Winnipeg playwright.

When I saw her, I was embarrassed because I knew she was famous and a good actor, but I hadn’t seen her in anything. I wished I had at least watched Titanic. All I could think to ask her was for a light for my cigarette (I have since quit) and felt like a fool. I’m better off not knowing if someone is famous.

How do you want to be remembered?

I want to be remembered for my energy and enthusiasm for life. I would people to embrace their own awesomeness and not hide it. I model this is everything I do.

I make a lot of quirky videos on LinkedIn and I think about which ones I’d like played at my funeral. I have that is all about being yourself and I say we all need to “talk like we do” and I think that is a perfect capsulation of my personality and message.

And, as a bonus, I’d like to be remembered for my dance moves. I feel the most free when I am helping others or dancing.

What is your most treasured possession?

A vintage jean jacket I bought in a thrift store in Moose Jaw. I bought in 1999 and have worn it every summer since. I tried it on in the store, and my then-boyfriend said “you look like a writer”. It has been through two pregnancies, so many road trips and the sleeves are starting to fray.

I remember wearing it to Holt Renfrew and the sales lady asking what brand it is. It has no labels, but it’s my favorite thing. It’s about how I feel in it.

What’s one book have you recommended more than twice?

For non-fiction: David Burkus’ Friend of a Friend

For fiction: The Wanderer by Alain-Fournier

What’s on your playlist at the moment?

I love running to the “Sorry to Bother You” soundtrack. For writing, I have written to “The Virgin Suicides” by Air, since it came out. Lately, I have been listening to meditative chants because I’ve switched up my yoga practice. It still feels weird to listen to but at the same time, I’m loving it.

What TED Talk do you think everyone should see?

Stefan Sagmeister: The Power of Time Off. I’d love to model his practice of taking a sabbatical every 7 years. I feel like the business I run is a big sabbatical, it’s a big test of trying out work I love the most and helping other people figure our their careers. I wish more people could afford an annual break to enrich their lives. The idea of getting a break at retirement feels like a bad punchline for those who never enjoyed their job.



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