
Seven Questions with Dené Sinclair

1. Why are you excited to speak at TEDxWinnipeg?

I love the idea of words changing us. Of words having power.

2. How did you come up with your idea, and how did you develop it into something shareable?

I have been traveling the world for work for the past 10 years, and know that no matter where I go, we inherently try to find ways to connect to one another. I want to try to make that something we think about in our every day lives here.

3. What’s your connection to Winnipeg or Manitoba?

Treaty 1 is my homeland. <3

4. Who inspires you, and why?

My family. My nieces and nephews are awesome, and brilliant and ask tough questions. My parents taught me how to love.

5. Dumbledore or Gandalf?

Embarassingly, I have no idea. Are these guys wizards or something? My niece will be so mortified that I don’t know – can I text her?

6. The Movie or The Book?

The book, but I need more hours in a day!

7. What TED Talk do you think everyone should see?

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