Seven Questions With Dave Brown

May 22, 2019 | Inspiration, Speaker Update

Dave Brown is a film performer who has delivering a wide range of cinematic performances including his portrayal of real-life psychopathic serial killer Gary Ridgway in A&E’s “The Riverman” as well as the comedic hitman Sergei in the feature film “Stegman is Dead”. He was also recognized for an ACTRA award for Best Performance by a male Actor in 2016 for his portrayal of the bitter and heartbroken Sheriff Logan in “The Pinkertons” (Netflix.)

We caught up with Dave and asked him a few questions so you can get to know him better before TEDxWinnipeg 2019 arrives on June 26, check them out:

What’s your idea worth sharing?

My idea is twofold. Artists in general need to understand the difference between building on an existing work and infringing on an existing work. At the same time, the Canadian Copyright Act needs to be changed to not only help clarify some of their protections for artists, but to increase the protections for specific forms, such as stand-up comedy.

I believe that if these were to occur, creativity will be stimulated, not stifled, and creators will receive deserved credit for their artistic creations.

Have you ever had a teacher or professor that made a real impact on you?

Rick Skene cast me in my first stage role in a play called Ce Weekend La’. He was one of my acting instructors at the University of Winnipeg. He later helped me get seen for film and television auditions and hired me to do stunts early in my career. I can still call him for advice about anything.

Whether on set or teaching, I try remember his professional, collaborative and supportive approach and emulate it. As a performer, I have high expectations for myself and others, and he had a way of managing those expectations with a control and openness that made you want to work for him, and allowed you to be confident in the performance choices you were making (or guide you to re-evaluate them) with an honesty that eliminated fear of failure. And he did so at a time of my life when I was fairly irresponsible.

His influence in dramatic arts helped me to eventually see that I could expect more out of myself in other areas of my life, and that natural ability can only take one so far, you need to put in the work.

This reads like a posthumous tribute. Rick is still alive, FYI.

Who’s going to play you in the movie of your life?

I used to hear that I looked like Nicolas Cage, so I’ll say Nick Falco. I would have loved it to be Roy Scheider. But my first choice is the guy who played “Buffacci” in the Law and Order series. He’d show up once in awhile to move the plot forward by bringing a file for Mike or Lennie. I cheer for the underdog, and as an actor I thought he should get more work so I kept cheering for him. Finally they gave him a meaty scene and he nailed it. But he doesn’t get enough love on IMDB, in my opinion. Maybe we’ll start a therapy group.

What is your greatest extravagance (aka: treat yo’self moment)?

Golf trips to anywhere warm.

What is your motto?

I don’t have a motto really, but if I did it would be “Try not to be negative. Ain’t no way you can’t not know that”.

But in general, I would hope that people try to be kind and respectful. There is far too much animosity, hatred and division in the world. If my kids grow up to be kind, respectful and honest with themselves and others, I’ll be a happy man.

Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?

I would rather keep living right now, thanks. But it depends. When can I come back and what am I wearing?

What TED Talk do you think everyone should see?

I’m looking forward to Ian McCausland’s “Turning 50 is not as Scary as you Think it Is” simply because I think I can relate. As a songwriter, I’m also anticipating enjoying “Spotify is Killing Music”.

For existing TED talks there are two. One is Tony Robbins “Why We Do What We Do”,and the other is “Rethinking Infidelity: A Talk for Anyone who has Ever Loved”, by Esther Perel. When I perform a role, I am always considering choices characters make and the motivations behind them. I think these talks should be seen because they ask us to examine how emotion affects our choices and how those choices affect our destiny, which is in our control. I think the two could be viewed consecutively, and with a critical eye, in an effort to help us better understand ourselves and how we might fit in the continuing evolution of human interactions with each other. Perhaps a better understanding of this may lead to a less divisive world.  

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